by Ross Bishop

On one hand, what we do doesn’t make sense. The “other side” holds the promise of peace, contentment and general well-being.  Our “side” is a place of stress, pain, unhappiness, and general discomfort. Sure, it has its moments, but it doesn’t hold a candle to the other side. In theory, you would expect a virtual stampede of people trying to reach a place of peace and contentment, yet we know that doesn’t happen. The question is why not?

We don’t realize it, but we are living a lie. What do you believe about yourself? Are you really worthy? Do you deserve to be loved? Most people will say, “I don’t really feel lovable” or “I don’t feel worthy.” (If you do say, “Yes,” then ask your inner one if he or she agrees.)

As a child of God, you cannot possibly be unworthy or unlovable, but we don’t see it that way. You will be interested to know that this is not accidental. You came here because you held issues around your feelings of worthiness and lovability. But because you have free will, you could not just be given these things. You had to accept them for yourself. So to accomplish that, The Creator developed the program you are engaged in called LIFE. And LIFE has been designed to eventually bring you to know the truth about yourself. 

LIFE creates conflicts between what you believe and the truth. When you bring something other than the truth to a situation you will encounter obstacles – conflict either within yourself or with others. If you look at your life you will find a perfect series of “challenges” to your beliefs. LIFE’s purpose is to create challenges between the beliefs you carry, that do not serve your highest good (regardless of how you feel about them) and the Truth.

Each step of your life process has been carefully designed (and managed) to nudge you to find the truth about yourself. Look at any conflict you have ever had. You will find that you were being asked (pushed) to give up your old ways of thinking, (that have never really served you). In other words, to give up your fear-based beliefs, (especially about yourself), which is contrary to what you have probably been doing.

So, the best and usually disturbing solution is to start you out believing things that could not possibly be true, consistent with the issues you brought in. Then you would eventually conclude the truth for yourself. The way this is resolved is that your pain eventually forces you to reject the false beliefs about yourself that you came in with. The only question is how much pain will you put yourself through before you surrender your false beliefs and your resistance? Life becomes painful because you resist making the changes being asked of you.

Pain is not what we usually think of it as. It is not punishment for bad behavior. Pain is the Universe’s way of calling your attention, to wake you up, to what you have been doing! It is a warning notice that something is amiss in your belief system. The Creator is asking you to look at your fear. With pain, there is a chance that you will. Without it, it is doubtful that you would.

Is LIFE tough? You bet? Painful? Heck yes. But part of the problem is that your false beliefs have been getting you by thus far. You either: 

1. believe those things to be true,

or: 2. fear that they might be.

And so you have created this structure around yourself to avoid confronting the truth. If you are defective, for example, you don’t have to step up into the limelight. You get to duck from having to expose the “vulnerable” places in you – that never existed in the first place, but have been created by your beliefs!

But when you are attached to your emotions and things are going to hell, it is difficult to accept that all this is being created to offer you a lesson. But consider that with LIFE you are on a one-way street! There is nowhere else for you to go, but home.

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